

Trees are used to visualize hierarchial information. They are often used to display navigational structures like nested lists of links.


import { DaffTreeModule } from '@daffodil/design/tree'
class DaffTreeModule {}


The DaffTreeComponent allows you to render tree structures as interactable ui.

import { DaffTreeComponent } from '@daffodil/design/tree'
class DaffTreeComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
  @Input() renderMode: DaffTreeRenderMode
  flatTree: DaffTreeFlatNode[]
  @Input() tree: DaffTreeData<unknown>
  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void
    index: number
    el: any
  ): any
Selector: 'ul[daff-tree]'


Name Type Description
@Input() renderMode DaffTreeRenderMode

The rendering mode for nodes in the tree.

Default value is 'in-dom', which means nodes are present in the DOM.

Generally, not-in-dom is faster as there are less DOM elements to render, but there may be use-cases (like SEO) where having the tree in the DOM is relevant.

flatTree DaffTreeFlatNode[]

The flattened tree data. You can iterate through this if you want to inspect the resulting array structure we computed to render the tree.

@Input() tree DaffTreeData<unknown>

The tree data you would like to render.

ngOnChanges void
trackByTreeElement any

The track-by function used to reduce tree-item re-renders


The DaffTreeItemDirective marks elements as tree child nodes that interact with the parent tree structure.

import { DaffTreeItemDirective } from '@daffodil/design/tree'
class DaffTreeItemDirective {
  @HostBinding() depth: number
  get selectedClass()
  @HostBinding() openClass: false
  get node(): DaffTreeFlatNode
  set node(value): DaffTreeFlatNode
  @Input() selected: false
  toggleParent(node: DaffTreeFlatNode)
  toggleTree(node: DaffTreeFlatNode)
Selector: '[daffTreeItem]'


Name Type Description
depth number

A css variable indicating the depth of the tree. You can use this to style your templates if you want to use different designs at different depths.


The CSS class indicating whether or not the tree is selected.

openClass false

The CSS class indicating whether or not the tree is open.

@Input() node DaffTreeFlatNode

The DaffTreeFlatNode associated with this specific tree item.

@Input() selected false

Whether or not the tree item is the currently active item. Note that there is no requirement there there only be one active item at a time.


Toggle the open state of the tree's parent.


Toggle the open state of this specific subtree tree.


A basic tree type supporting supplemental data on a tree node.

Tree elements are often slightly more than just basic titles and child items. There may be other important data that needs to be available at render time.

import { DaffTreeData } from '@daffodil/design/tree'
interface DaffTreeData<T> {
  title: string
  url: string
  id: string
  items: DaffTreeData<T>[]
  data: T


Name Type Description
title string
url string
id string
items DaffTreeData<T>[]
data T


Transform a tree-like structure into a DaffTreeData.

import { daffTransformTree } from '@daffodil/design/tree'
const daffTransformTree: <T extends Record<any, any>, V>(tree: T, transformFn: (type: T) => DaffTreeData<V>, key: keyof T) => DaffTreeData<V>


Represents the mode of rendering for nodes in a tree UI.

  • 'in-dom': Closed nodes are present in the Document Object Model (DOM).
  • 'not-in-dom': Closed nodes are not present in the Document Object Model (DOM).
import { DaffTreeRenderMode } from '@daffodil/design/tree'
type DaffTreeRenderMode = 'in-dom' | 'not-in-dom'
Type Options
DaffTreeRenderMode 'in-dom' | 'not-in-dom'


import { DAFF_TREE_COMPONENTS } from '@daffodil/design/tree'
const DAFF_TREE_COMPONENTS: readonly [typeof DaffTreeComponent, typeof DaffTreeItemDirective]