

Modal is a dynamically rendered element that floats above the rest of a page's content. It can be especially useful for interstitials that require additional user feedback.

Basic Modal


Within a standalone component

To use modal in a standalone component, import DAFF_MODAL_COMPONENTS directly into your custom component:

import { DAFF_MODAL_COMPONENTS } from '@daffodil/design/modal';

  selector: 'custom-component',
  templateUrl: './custom-component.component.html',
  imports: [
export class CustomComponent {}

Within a module (deprecated)

To use modal in a module, import DaffModalModule into your custom module:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { DaffModalModule } from '@daffodil/design/modal';
import { CustomComponent } from './custom.component';

    declarations: [
  exports: [
  imports: [
export class CustomComponentModule { }

This method is deprecated. It's recommended to update all custom components to standalone.

Supported Content Types

A modal includes minimally pre-styled components and directives to help structure the content in your modal.

Header can be added to a modal by using <daff-modal-header>. The header includes a title and an optional close button.


Title can be added to the header by using the [daffModalTitle] directive.

Close Button

The close button in the header is shown by default but can be hidden by setting the dismissible property to false on the header.


Content can be added to a modal by using <daff-modal-content>. It should only be used once. It's a wrapper container that can be used to place all additional components and text content within a modal. The content container allows for a ton of control and customization because it's minimally pre-styled and serves as a wrapping and spacing container that is scrollable.


Buttons can be added to a modal by using <daff-modal-actions>. This container will always be positioned at the bottom of a modal. The horizontal alignment of the actions is set to end.

Dismissing a Modal

A modal can be dismissed via the close button or the ESC key. The close button is shown by default but can be hidden by setting the dismissible property to false on <daff-modal-header>. Additionally, the [daffModalClose] directive can be added to a <button> HTML element.


Modal works with the ARIA role="dialog" and aria-modal="true" attributes to provide an accessible experience. The first tabbable element will receive focus when a modal is opened.

aria-labelledby is assigned the [daffModalTitle] string when it's used. If there is no title, aria-labelledby should be set in the configurations through the DaffModalService.

constructor(private modalService: DaffModalService) {}

showModal() {
    this.modal =
        { ariaLabelledBy: 'Modal Title' },

Keyboard Interactions

A modal can be closed by choosing one of the actions buttons, the close button in the header, or it can be dismissed by pressing the ESC key.