

Trees are used to visualize hierarchial information. They are often used to display navigational structures like nested lists of links.


The DaffTreeComponent renders a tree structure. Typically, this is a structure of <a> and <button> elements that allow users to either navigate to a page, or explore the tree to find an item inside the tree that they want to navigate to.

Instead of defining a recursive tree structure of components, which is often prohibitively slow when rendering large trees, the DaffTreeComponent renders a flattened tree, using padding to indicate the nesting level of the tree elements.

Generally, tree usage consists of taking existing tree data, converting it to the DaffTreeData format, setting the tree input on the DaffTreeComponent, and providing templates for the cases where the tree element has children or not.


Within a standalone component

To use sidebar in a standalone component, import DAFF_TREE_COMPONENTS directly into your custom component:

import { DAFF_TREE_COMPONENTS } from '@daffodil/design/tree';

  selector: 'custom-component',
  templateUrl: './custom-component.component.html',
  imports: [
export class CustomComponent {}

Within a module (deprecated)

To use sidebar in a module, import DaffTreeModule into your custom module:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { DaffTreeModule } from '@daffodil/design/tree';
import { CustomComponent } from './custom.component';

    declarations: [
  exports: [
  imports: [
export class CustomComponentModule { }

This method is deprecated. It's recommended to update all custom components to standalone.


The DaffTreeComponent controls the rendering of the structure of the tree and provides template slots so that you can control the ultimate UI rendered for each node.

Currently, we support two kind of templates: daffTreeItemWithChildrenTpl and daffTreeItemTpl. These templates allow you to control the content of each tree node. In the case of daffTreeItemWithChildrenTpl, a click handler will be automatically applied (along with an icon indicating the expanded state) to the template to allow users to automatically open and close the node.

<ng-template #daffTreeItemWithChildrenTpl let-node>
  <button daffTreeItem [node]="node">{{ node.title }} </button>

<ng-template #daffTreeItemTpl let-node>
  <a daffTreeItem [node]="node" [routerLink]="node.url">{{ node.title }}</a>


The DaffTreeComponent follows the specification for a disclosure navigation menu instead of a tree view.