

Tabs provide a way to navigate between panels that display related content.


Tabs allow for users to navigate between related content without having to leave the page. They can be used within components like modals or cards.


Within a standalone component

To use a tabs in a standalone component, import DAFF_TABS_COMPONENTS directly into your custom component:

import { DAFF_TABS_COMPONENTS } from '@daffodil/design/tabs';

  selector: 'custom-component',
  templateUrl: './custom-component.component.html',
  imports: [
export class CustomComponent {}


Tabs in link mode replaces the tab buttons with anchors. This allows the selected tab to be connected to a URL. By default, the current URL and tab query param will be used. These can be overriden with the url and queryParam inputs respectively.

<daff-tabs [linkMode]="true">


Tabs follow the ARIA Tabs design pattern. Tabs compose of tablist, tab, and tabpanel elements, each with its appropriate role and integrated keyboard interactions.


A meaningful aria-label should be set on <daff-tabs> by using the aria-label property. This will set the aria-label on the tablist element.

<daff-tabs aria-label="Custom aria label">

Keyboard Interactions

Key Action
Left Arrow Moves focus and activates previous tab. If focus is on the first tab, moves focus to the last tab.
Right Arrow Moves focus and activates next tab. If focus is on the last tab, moves focus to the first tab.
Home Moves focus and activates first tab.
End Moves focus and activates last tab.