

Toasts are small messages designed to mimic push notifications. They are used to provide users with application level information.


Toasts should be used to display temporary messages about actions or events that occured or in need of attention, with no relation to content on a page. For messaging that provide context in close promixity to a piece of content within a page, use the Notification component.

Basic Toast

Setting up the component

provideDaffToast() should be added as a provider either in your application's root component for global use or in a specific feature component.

import { provideDaffToast } from '@daffodil/design/toast';

    providers: [

export class AppModule {}


Toast can be configured by using the DaffToastService.

The following is an example of a toast with a duration:

import {
} from '@angular/core';

import {
} from '@daffodil/design/toast';

  selector: 'custom-toast',
  templateUrl: './custom-toast.component.html',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  standalone: true,
export class CustomToastComponent {
    private toast: DaffToast;

    constructor(private toastService: DaffToastService) {}

    open() {
        this.toast ={
            title: 'Update Complete',
            message: 'This page has been updated to the newest version.',
            duration: 5000,

The following is an example of a toast with actions:

import {
} from '@angular/core';

import { DAFF_BUTTON_COMPONENTS } from '@daffodil/design/button';
import {
} from '@daffodil/design/toast';

  selector: 'action-toast',
  templateUrl: './action-toast.component.html',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  standalone: true,
    imports: [
export class ActionToastComponent implements OnInit {
    private toast: DaffToast;

    constructor(private toastService: DaffToastService) {}

    update = new EventEmitter<DaffToastAction>();

  closeToast = new EventEmitter<DaffToastAction>();

    open() {
        this.toast ={
            title: 'Update Available',
            message: 'A new version of this page is available.',
            actions: [
                { content: 'Update', color: 'theme-contrast', size: 'sm', eventEmitter: this.update },
                { content: 'Remind me later', type: 'flat', size: 'sm', eventEmitter: this.closeToast },

    ngOnInit() {
    this.update.subscribe(() => {

    this.closeToast.subscribe(() => {

The following configurations are available in the DaffToastService:

Property Type Description Default
title string A quick overview of the toast --
message string Additional details about the message that should be limited to one or two sentences --
actions DaffToastAction Adds a daff-button that allow users to perform an action related to the message. Actions should be limited to two buttons. --
dismissible boolean Allows a toast to be dismissible via a close button true
duration number The duration in milliseconds that a toast is visible before it's dismissed 5000

The actions configurations are based on the properties of the DaffButtonComponent (view Button Documentation) with the addition of data and eventEmitter.


A toast can be dismissed via a timed duration, a close button, or the ESC key.

Timed duration

A toast with actions will persist until one of the actions have been interacted with, or is dismissed by the close button or the ESC key. Actionable toasts should be persistent, but a duration is allowed to be set. If duration must be set, make sure it's long enough for users to engage with the actions.

By default, a toast without actions will be dismissed after 5000ms. This can be updated by setting duration through the DaffToastService.

Toast with custom duration

Close button

The close button is shown by default but can be hidden by setting dismissible: false through the DaffToastService.

Escape Key

A toast can be dismissed by using the ESC key if it has actions and is focus trapped.


A maximum of three toasts can be shown at a time. Toasts are stacked vertically, with the most recent toast displayed on top.


The status color of a toast can be updated by using the status property.

Supported statuses: warn | critical | success

Toast with statuses


Property Value Default
vertical `top bottom`
horizontal `left center

To change the horizontal and vertical position of a toast, add the provideDaffToastOptions dependency key to the providers key in the module as shown below:

providers: [
        position: {
            vertical: 'bottom',
            horizontal: 'center',
        useParent: false,

The position of a toast on a mobile device will always be on the bottom center.

Toast with configurable positions


By default, toasts use a role="status" to announce messages. It's the equivalent of aria-live="polite", which does not interrupt a user's current activity and waits until they are idle to make the announcement. When a toast has actions, a role="alertdialog" is used. The toast will be focus trapped and focus immediately moves to the actions.

Avoid setting a duration on toasts with actions because they will disappear automatically, making it difficult for users to interact with the actions.