

@daffodil/newsletter provides a DaffNewsletterFacade that centralizes the complexities of the library into one place. It manages the process of sending newsletter subscriptions to your application's backend and can also be used to build your UI with behaviors common to a newsletter.


To inject the newsletter facade inside your component, include an instance of DaffNewsletterFacade in the constructor.

export class NewsletterComponent {
  constructor(public newsletterFacade: DaffNewsletterFacade) {}

Once DaffNewsletterFacade has been set up in your component, it can be used to send off your newsletter data.

To do so, the facade will dispatch an action of type DaffNewsletterSubscribe<T>() with T being the type of submission your object you are using. In addition, it will also update three observable streams of success$, error$, and loading$. These can be used to enhance your application's UI.

import {
} from '@daffodil/newsletter';

export class NewsletterComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor(public newsletterFacade: DaffNewsletterFacade) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    success$: Observable<boolean> = this.newsletterFacade.success$;
    error$: Observable<string> = this.newsletterFacade.error$;
    loading$: Observable<boolean> = this.newsletterFacade.loading$;

  email = '';

  submitData() {
    this.newsletterFacade.dispatch(new DaffNewsletterSubscribe<DaffNewsletterSubmission>(;

In this example, three observable streams are assigned from newsletterFacade. Then when submitData is called, the newsletterFacade will call its dispatch function which will send your data off to the backend and update the three observable streams.


DaffNewsletterSubmission is the default object that holds your subscription data and gets sent to your application's backend. It's simple and represents the baseline information needed in a subscription. It also serves as an out-of-the-box payload for submitting a newsletter subscription. It only contains a value of email.

export interface DaffNewsletterSubmission {
  email: string;

To learn how to customize your submission, read the customizing submission data guide below.

Customizing submission data

Whenever you are setting up your newsletter feature within your application, you must decide what information is important for your user to include for the subscription. This section will walk you through on how to include your desired newsletter payload when a user submits their subscription using @daffodil/newsletter.

Creating your own submission object

To customize @daffodil/newsletter to use your custom payload when sending a submission, you must define an object that implements the DaffNewsletterSubmission. The DaffNewsletterSubmission only contains one variable of email to be used as a standard template for the Newsletter library, so it must be included in your defined class.

Here is an example of creating your own payload object that implements DaffNewsletterSubscription.

import { DaffNewsletterSubmission } from '@daffodil/newsletter';

export class MyNewsletterSubmission implements DaffNewsletterSubmission {
  email: string;
  name: string;
  address: string;

Utilizing your payload

After customizing the payload, you can dispatch a DaffNewsletterSubscribe with your updated payload via the DaffNewsletterFacade's dispatch method. Be sure to type the generic DaffNewsletterSubscribe<MyNewsletterSubmission> in order to get proper type safety.

import {
} from '@daffodil/newsletter';

export class NewsletterComponent {
  constructor(public newsletterFacade: DaffNewsletterFacade) {}

  dataToSubmit: MyNewsletterSubmission = {
    email = "",
    name = "John Doe",
    address= "1800 John Doe's street" 

  submitData() {
    this.newsletterFacade.dispatch(new DaffNewsletterSubscribe<MyNewsletterSubmission>(this.dataToSubmit));

Creating your own payload is not required. It's also fine to use the base DaffNewsletterSubmission.