

@daffodil/navigation manages the graphQL calls, state, selectors, and models for a complete tree of the root category request.


Right now, @daffodil/navigation currently supports both a Magento driver and an in-memory driver (only outputs a shallow trees) for local development.


To install @daffodil/navigation, use the following commands in your terminal.

Install with npm:

npm install @daffodil/navigation --save

Install with yarn:

yarn add @daffodil/navigation

Getting started

Using in-memory web API

Import the DaffNavigationInMemoryDriverModule.forRoot() into your root component.

Using Magento backend

Import the DaffNavigationMagentoDriverModule.forRoot() into your root component.


Requests for a navigation should be made with a DaffNavigationLoad(id) action through the DaffNavigationFacade. Selection of the retrieved navigation and its loading state can also be done through the DaffNavigationFacade with the navigation$ and loading$ attributes.