

@daffodil/cart can interface with supported platforms through drivers. Choose the driver that corresponds to the platform of choice and follow the linked guide to set it up.

In-memory web API

The in-memory driver is for rapid development without the need to set up a platform-specific backend. It will mock out the management of a cart and operate like a functional backend. It is intended for development and testing purposes and not meant to be used in production.

To set up in the root component:

  1. Import the DaffCartInMemoryDriverModule from @daffodil/cart/testing
  2. Import HttpClientInMemoryWebApiModule from angular-in-memory-web-api
  3. Include DaffCartInMemoryDriverModule.forRoot() and HttpClientInMemoryWebApiModule in the imports section
import { HttpClientInMemoryWebApiModule } from 'angular-in-memory-web-api';
import { DaffCartInMemoryDriverModule } from '@daffodil/cart/testing';

  imports: [
export class AppModule {}

Now this DaffCart implementation will have access to the in-memory driver to use while developing.

Note: It is important to only have one daffodil/cart driver set up at a time in the root component. To set up a driver configuration to make switching between different backend drivers simple, follow the advanced setup guide.


The Magento driver communicates with the Magento backend through the GraphQL API.

To set up in the root component:

  1. Import the DaffCartMagentoDriverModule from @daffodil/cart
  2. Import ApolloModule from apollo-angular
  3. Include DaffCartMagentoDriverModule.forRoot() and ApolloModule in the imports section
import { ApolloModule } from 'apollo-angular';
import { DaffCartMagentoDriverModule } from '@daffodil/cart';

  imports: [
export class AppModule {}

This DaffCart implementation will now be able to interact with Magento.

Note: It is important to only have one @daffodil/cart driver set up in the root component at a time. To set up a driver configuration to make switching between different backend drivers simple, follow the advanced setup guide.

Fragment introspection

You should set up fragment introspection with the Magento backend. Refer to the fragment introspection guide for more information.


The drivers can be injected into components and invoked directly. The following example shows how to list the items in the cart and add a simple item to the cart.

import {
} from '@daffodil/cart';

export class CartItemComponent implements OnInit {
  items$: Observable<DaffCartItem[]>;

  constructor(@Inject(DaffCartItemDriver) public cartItemDriver: DaffCartItemServiceInterface) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    // load the cart items
    this.items$ = this.cartItemDriver.list('cartId');

  addSimpleItem(productId: string, qty: number) {
    const input: DaffCartItemInput = {
      type: DaffCartItemInputType.Simple,
    this.items$ = this.cartItemDriver.add('cartId', input).pipe(
      map(cart => cart.items)