

Sidebar is a component used to display additional information to the side of a page that may be fixed or collapsible.


Sidebars are often used for navigation, but it's built to be flexible and extensible so that it can be used for any content. Sidebar supports a header and footer component with minimal default styling.


Within a standalone component

To use sidebar in a standalone component, import DAFF_SIDEBAR_COMPONENTS directly into your custom component:

import { DAFF_SIDEBAR_COMPONENTS } from '@daffodil/design/sidebar';

  selector: 'custom-component',
  templateUrl: './custom-component.component.html',
  imports: [
export class CustomComponent {}

Within a module (deprecated)

To use sidebar in a module, import DaffSidebarModule into your custom module:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { DaffSidebarModule } from '@daffodil/design/sidebar';
import { CustomComponent } from './custom.component';

    declarations: [
  exports: [
  imports: [
export class CustomComponentModule { }

This method is deprecated. It's recommended to update all custom components to standalone.

Basic sidebar

The default setting for sidebar is mode="side" and side="left".

Implementing the main and sidebar content

The main and sidebar content should be placed inside of the <daff-sidebar-viewport>. The sidebar content should be placed inside of the <daff-sidebar>.

A viewport navigation can either be:

  • Placed alongside the <daff-sidebar> using the [daff-sidebar-viewport-nav] selector.
<daff-sidebar-viewport (backdropClicked)="toggleOpen()">
    <nav daff-sidebar-viewport-nav daff-navbar>
        Nav content
    <daff-sidebar mode="over" [open]="open">
        <div class="sidebar-content">
            Sidebar content
    <div class="page-content">
        Page content
  • Placed inside of the viewport content by omitting the [daff-sidebar-viewport-nav] selector from the nav component.
<daff-sidebar-viewport (backdropClicked)="toggleOpen()">
    <nav daff-navbar>
        Nav content
    <daff-sidebar mode="over" [open]="open">
        <div class="sidebar-content">
            Sidebar content
    <div class="page-content">
        Page content

Required Imports

The BrowserAnimationsModule or NoopAnimationsModule must be imported in the particular Angular @NgModule the sidebar is used in for the sidebar to render and work properly.

The <daff-sidebar-header> includes optional title ([daffSidebarHeaderTitle]) and action ([daffSidebarHeaderAction]) selectors, and a slot to render custom content. The action selector should be used along with the <daff-icon-button> (view Button Documentation) to make sure that the action is positioned correctly and it passes WCAG guidelines.

The <daff-sidebar-footer> is a "holder" component with minimal default styling. Its main purpose is to position the footer at the bottom of the sidebar, allowing the sidebar's content to overflow and scroll while ensuring that the footer remains constantly visible.

Both the header and footer are optional components that will not render in the DOM if they are not used.

Opening and closing a sidebar

THe open property is used to set the open state for a sidebar.

By default, sidebar supports two methods of closing itself: clicking on the backdrop of the sidebar viewport or pressing ESC when the sidebar has focus.

| Method | ------------------------------------ | | (backdropClicked) | Set on the <daff-sidebar-viewport> | | (escapePressed) | Set on the <daff-sidebar> |


<daff-sidebar> can be rendered four different ways by using the mode property. If mode is not specified, side is used by default.

Mode Description
side Sidebar is placed alongside the content
side-fixed Sidebar is placed alongside the content and will scroll separately from the content
over Sidebar slides over the rest of the content in the viewport and covering it with a backdrop
under Sidebar freezes in place and and the content slides above it, while also being covered by a backdrop

Over sidebar

Under sidebar

Two fixed sidebars on either side

Fixed and over sidebar


<daff-sidebar> can be positioned on either side of a screen by using the side property. If side is not specificed, left is used by default.

Side Description
left Places sidebar on the left side of the screen
right Places sidebar on the right side of the screen

Custom styles

Setting a sidebar's width

The default size of a sidebar is 240px. The --daff-sidebar-left-width and --daff-sidebar-right-width variables can be used to change the width of a left or right sidebar. These variables need to be defined on <daff-sidebar-viewport> or on the shadow DOM.


:host {
    --daff-sidebar-left-width: 288px;
    --daff-sidebar-right-width: 288px;


daff-sidebar-viewport {
    --daff-sidebar-left-width: 288px;
    --daff-sidebar-right-width: 288px;

Changing a side-fixed sidebar's top offset position

The default offset position of a sidebar is 0px. The --daff-sidebar-side-fixed-top-shift variable can be used to adjust the top offset position for a primary sidebar and its viewport content.

body {
    --daff-sidebar-side-fixed-top-shift: 64px;


Over and under sidebars

Side fixed sidebar


A meaningful role should be set on all sidebars depending on how they are used.

When the <daff-sidebar-header> is not used or there is no title for the sidebar, a meaningful aria-label should be set to describe the sidebar.


Focus trapping is enabled for over and under modes, and disabled for side and side-fixed modes. When a sidebar is opened, the first tabbable element within the will receive focus. When a sidebar is opened, the first tabbable element within the will receive focus. When a sidebar is closed, the element that was focused before the sidebar was opened will be re-focused.