

Tabs provide a way to navigate between panels that display related content.

import { DaffTabsComponent } from '@daffodil/design/tabs'
class DaffTabsComponent implements AfterContentInit, OnInit {
  @Input() initiallySelected: string
  @Input() linkMode: false
  @Input() url: string
  @Input() queryParam: 'tab'
  @Output() tabChange: EventEmitter<string>
Selector: 'daff-tabs'


Name Type Description
@Input() initiallySelected string

The tab that is selected on initial load. If it's not used, the first tab in the tablist will be selected by default.

@Input() linkMode false

Replace the tab buttons as links.

@Input() url string

The URL to navigate to when the component is in link mode. This component will set the specified query param.

@Input() queryParam 'tab'

The query parameter that the tabs component will use to set the tab value in link mode.

@Output() tabChange EventEmitter<string>

Event emitted when tab selection changes.


Basic use of the tabs component

<daff-tabs aria-label="List of tabs">
            <fa-icon [icon]="faInfoCircle" daffPrefix></fa-icon>
            Tab 1
            Tab 1 Panel
            Tab 2
            <fa-icon [icon]="faInfoCircle" daffSuffix></fa-icon>
            Tab 2 Panel