

Manages the page's canonical URL.

import { DaffRestoreableCanonicalService } from '@daffodil/seo'
class DaffRestoreableCanonicalService implements DaffSeoRestoreableServiceInterface<string, string> {
  get upsertCache(): string
  get restoreCache(): string
  get canonicalLink(): HTMLLinkElement
  upsert(url: string): void
  clear(): void
  restore(): void
  emptyRestoreCache(): void


Name Type Description
upsertCache string

Stores the upserted SEO data since the last clear. This represents the SEO data managed by the service.

restoreCache string

Stores the SEO data present on the current document when it is removed by clear. SEO data in this cache can be upserted back into the document with restore.

canonicalLink HTMLLinkElement

The canonical link element.

upsert void

Adds the SEO info to the page. Adds the info to the upsert cache.

clear void

Removes all of the added SEO info from the page. Only removes what was previously added by this service, that is, what is in the upsert cache.

The SEO data that was removed is then moved to the restore cache.

restore void

Restores the previously cleared SEO info to the page.

emptyRestoreCache void

Empties the restore cache. Does not affect upsert cache.