Represents by how much the price of a variant associated with a selling plan is adjusted. Each variant can have up to two price adjustments. If a variant has multiple price adjustments, then the first price adjustment applies when the variant is initially purchased. The second price adjustment applies after a certain number of orders (specified by the orderCount
field) are made. If a selling plan doesn't have any price adjustments, then the unadjusted price of the variant is the effective price.
import { SellingPlanPriceAdjustment } from '@daffodil/driver/shopify'
type SellingPlanPriceAdjustment = {
__typename?: 'SellingPlanPriceAdjustment';
adjustmentValue: SellingPlanPriceAdjustmentValue;
orderCount?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']['output']>;
Type | Options |
SellingPlanPriceAdjustment | {
__typename?: 'SellingPlanPriceAdjustment';
adjustmentValue: SellingPlanPriceAdjustmentValue;
orderCount?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']['output']>;
} |