

Represents an option on a selling plan group that's available in the drop-down list in the storefront.

Individual selling plans contribute their options to the associated selling plan group. For example, a selling plan group might have an option called option1: Delivery every. One selling plan in that group could contribute option1: 2 weeks with the pricing for that option, and another selling plan could contribute option1: 4 weeks, with different pricing.

import { SellingPlanGroupOption } from '@daffodil/driver/shopify'
type SellingPlanGroupOption = {
    __typename?: 'SellingPlanGroupOption';
    name: Scalars['String']['output'];
    values: Array<Scalars['String']['output']>;
Type Options
SellingPlanGroupOption { __typename?: 'SellingPlanGroupOption'; name: Scalars['String']['output']; values: Array<Scalars['String']['output']>; }