

Represents an association between a variant and a selling plan. Selling plan allocations describe the options offered for each variant, and the price of the variant when purchased with a selling plan.

import { SellingPlanAllocation } from '@daffodil/driver/shopify'
type SellingPlanAllocation = {
    __typename?: 'SellingPlanAllocation';
    checkoutChargeAmount: MoneyV2;
    priceAdjustments: Array<SellingPlanAllocationPriceAdjustment>;
    remainingBalanceChargeAmount: MoneyV2;
    sellingPlan: SellingPlan;
Type Options
SellingPlanAllocation { __typename?: 'SellingPlanAllocation'; checkoutChargeAmount: MoneyV2; priceAdjustments: Array<SellingPlanAllocationPriceAdjustment>; remainingBalanceChargeAmount: MoneyV2; sellingPlan: SellingPlan; }