

The interface responsible for applying a coupon to a cart.

import { DaffCartCouponServiceInterface } from '@daffodil/cart/driver'
interface DaffCartCouponServiceInterface<T extends DaffCart = DaffCart> {
  apply: Observable<Partial<T>>
  list: Observable<T['coupons']>
  remove: Observable<Partial<T>>
  removeAll: Observable<Partial<T>>


Name Type Description
apply Observable<Partial<T>>

Apply a coupon to the cart and return a partial of the cart.

list Observable<T['coupons']>

List coupon codes applied to a cart.

remove Observable<Partial<T>>

Remove a coupon from the cart and return a partial of the cart.

removeAll Observable<Partial<T>>

Remove all coupons from the cart and return a partial of the cart.